My Mum. Mothers Day


Mum you taught me to believe, and to have a huge imagination. You taught me to say “Please go away” to any flying insects that might be around me, rather than trying to bat them or just simply run away from them screaming. You showed me what its like to get up at the crack of dawn and walk quietly in the woods and experience deer rutting in its amazing, natural form. You showed me what its like to meditate amongst Buddhists.

Mum, you taught me that it’s OK to be a little different. That not every body knows what they want to do in the future, that not everybody has a clear route laid out for them. You was there when I was going through dark times and nobody else understood. You was also there to moan at me every day about how untidy my bedroom was!

Mum, you believed in me when I struggled. You where supportive when I was wavering. You understood my need to do something creative, the need to find my passion and pursue it even if that would mean sometimes a slow, and rocky path.

You taught me to be kind, to listen, to give, to go for my dreams, and to love and respect all things.

Happy Mothers Day Mum. Thank you for being you x

My Mum. Mothers Dayfamily portrait

My Mum. Mothers Daymy mumMy Mum. Mothers DayMy Mum. Mothers Day

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  1. Your Mum sounds so special and she obviously is. She raised a daughter that I am so proud to call my friend.