Steve is Australian, although you wouldn’t know it from talking to him. He does like to wear shorts however all through the year until his knees cannot take the winter cold anymore, he even wants to wear shorts on our wedding day! Which I’m not actually saying is a completely ridiculous idea, as to me this is Steve and after all everybody’s wedding should be about themselves! Anyway, thats a WHOLE other story!
Steve’s family still live in Australia, near Brisbane. I was lucky enough to meet them all back in 2008 and have 5 incredible weeks out there, where we did a little exploring too. I remember very clearly getting off a 24 hour flight and being greeted by an entourage of family members. Aunties, cousins the lot! It was brilliant, a holiday i shall never forget. 6 years later, we managed to get a flight back out there to see them all again. It was 3 weeks of downtime for a very busy year for both me and Steve. We haven’t been able to go away on holiday for a few years now so this was just what we needed, a shame it didn’t last just that teeny weeny bit longer!
Here is a glimpse into our holiday through the joys of an iPhone…..
Huge thanks to Jess for taking this photograph of all of us. Really appreciated by all!
Next time Steve and I will see them all, i will be apart of the Sales family as we are having our honeymoon out there. Where we will hopefully be exploring more of the amazing country, after we have a little party of course with the family! 😉
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